Celebrating Holy Week at Trinity – 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,

Our 40 day Lenten Journey is nearing its completion now that we have reached the “Holy of Holies” of the entire Christian Year: the celebration of God’s great acts of love and salvation accomplished for us by Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

We hope that all of us will take the opportunity to use these holy days as a moment to deepen our prayer and meditation on what our Lord has done for us by listening intently to God’s Word, especially the history of His Passion and Resurrection, and receiving the Lord’s Gifts of grace in Absolution and His Supper. Through our corporate worship and private devotion in these days, may our spirits be uplifted, our minds filled with the mighty acts of God, and our hearts overflowing with gratitude and praise for all that our Lord and Savior has accomplished to bring us eternal life and everlasting salvation.

Resources for Personal Prayer and Meditation During Holy Week

As we individually keep these days of Holy Week with our own prayers and meditation, we are providing for your devotional use a couple of items which we offered to our Trinity Family in the past. First, is a guide for Meditating on the Lord’s Passion through the reading of the Passion found in each of the Gospels or through use of “The Passion History”. The other is a devotional booklet, “From Palms to Passion”, which provides morning and evening meditations for each day of Holy Week.

Passion Readings for Holy Week

From Palms to Passion Devotional

Our Worship Schedule for Holy Week

We hope and pray that you will be able to join us for worship during these Holy Days, either in person as we gather together at Trinity or by livestream available on our church Facebook Page. (Videoed services are available for later viewing, also on the church Facebook Page.)


March 24, 2024

8:30 AM     Adult Bible Study in the Multipurpose Room

9:30 AM     The Liturgy of Palm Sunday
Join us as we begin the days of Holy Week through this special liturgy which includes the Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem; the Solemn Reading of the Passion according to Saint Matthew; Sermon by Pastor, “Exalted Humility”, and the celebration of Holy Communion.
Palms and Palm Crosses will be distributed.


March 28, 2024

7:00 PM     The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday
As we enter into the great days kept in remembrance of the Lord’s Passion, join us in gathering as did the Lord and the Twelve for that Last Supper they shared together. This solemn Evening Commemoration of the Lord’s Supper will include Confession and Absolution; Sermon by Pastor, continuing our Lenten Sermon Series, “Guided to the Cross”: “Guided to Service”; the celebration of Holy Communion on the night of its institution; and the Preparation of the Church for Good Friday.

March 29, 2024

7:00 PM     The Liturgy of Good Friday
Come and keep the remembrance of this Friday which is truly “good” because it brings us forgiveness, life, and salvation through Christ and His Cross. We will spend time meditating on the great redemption won for us in praying through the Office of Tenebrae–the “Service of Darkness–which includes the Adoration of the Cross; the Reading of the Passion according to Saint John; Sermon by Pastor: “Guided to Sacrifice”; and the solemn Prayers for the Church and the World.

March 31, 2024

8:00 AM     Easter Fellowship Breakfast in the Multipurpose Room

9:30 AM     The Festival Celebration of the Resurrection
Share in the rejoicing of the victory over sin, death, and the devil won for us by our Risen and Ever-Living Lord Jesus in this festive liturgy on Easter Day. This festival service will include Easter Hymns and Special Music; Sermon by Pastor, concluding this year’s Lenten Sermon Series: “Guided to New Life”; the Renewal of Baptismal Vows; and the celebration of Holy Communion.

May the Lord richly bless all of us as we walk in His way–from palms and “Hosannas”, to the Upper Room and Gethsemane’s betrayal, to trials and condemnation, seeing His mocking and bearing the cross, to Calvary and burial, and finally stand rejoicing at His empty tomb, shouting with joy that life and salvation are won and ours forever.

See you at worship this Holy Week!

Peace and blessings,

Keeping Lent Together at Trinity – 2024

It is hard to believe, but Lent is upon us again! With an early celebration of Easter, we find ourselves beginning our Lenten preparations, focusing ourselves once again on our Savior and His Cross, being drawn to it anew and discovering afresh the great and wondrous love of God for each of us. In this holy time of forty days, we embrace the opportunity to place ourselves–in heart, mind, and life–into the very center of our faith: the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Cross of Jesus is the sign of God’s great love, mercy, and grace shown to the whole of His creation, and especially to us, the children of His creating. We are drawn by the love displayed there to receive from Him all of the gifts that our Lord gives to us because of what He has done. Because of the Cross, and our faith in our Savior, our lives are forever changed as we live now in this life for the One who lived, died, and rose again for us. And as we live in and through Him, He continues to lead and guide us to sharing with Him in that eternal life which He has won for us.

May this time we spend near the Cross of Jesus in these Lenten Days fill us with the hope, joy, and peace that is found in our believing that Jesus is indeed our Savior and the One who gives us true life in Him now and forever.

Our Theme for this Year’s Lenten Journey – Guided to the Cross

Each year, the Season of Lent calls on Christ’s followers to take a journey again to His cross.  Going once more to Calvary, we follow Christ, the Lamb of God, who goes uncomplaining to offer His life for the forgiveness of our sins and to open everlasting life to us whom He redeems with His precious blood.  As we behold our Lord Jesus and His sacrifice for us, we see in all of its fullness the gift of God’s great love for us and for the whole world.

Looking to the Cross, we see “love so amazing, so divine”.  So much is wrapped up in this gift that begs us to spend time in deeper contemplation of it.  As we are guided again to the cross this Lent, we come to look deeply at all of the gifts which flow to us and our lives from it: forgiveness, hope, love, peace, trust, perseverance, grace, and new life.

During our Lenten Midweek Worship we will look at each of these gifts from the Cross and learn anew of their meaning and purpose for us in our life and living as children of God’s creating and redeeming.

We know that from these gifts to us out of God’s fullness we have indeed received His grace and by that grace we live.  Walking again with our Lord to His cross, may we be renewed in these gifts, see our lives refreshed through them, and be  empowered to follow Christ and His example as we live in, with, and for Him.

Devotions for use at home

As is our tradition here at Trinity, devotional materials have been provided for each member family. A devotional booklet for adults, “Guided to the Cross”, follows the themes of our Lenten Worship and preaching. Families with young children have been provided with a devotional, “Cross My Heart”, which will lead them to learn more of the Savior’s love for them and how they can share this love of Jesus with others.

Materials were either picked up from Trinity or mailed to your home. Limited quantities of each devotion are available for you on the literature table in the rear of the sanctuary.

Worshiping Together During the Lenten Season

The Season of Lent is a time when we are able to immerse ourselves in the story of our salvation, especially through worship where we come together to hear God’s Word read and proclaimed and to receive God’s gifts of grace and forgiveness through words of forgiveness and absolution and in partaking of the fruits of our Savior’s Cross in the Holy Supper of His Body and Blood. We pray that you will join us and take advantage of the worship opportunities we have in this Sacred Season.

Lent will begin as usual with worship on Ash Wednesday, February 14th, at 7:00 PM with its traditional service including Confession of Sins, the Imposition of Ashes, and the celebration of Holy Communion. The service will be livestreamed on the church Facebook Page for those who cannot be with us in person.

On the Wednesdays of Lent–February 21st & 28th and March 6th, 13th, & 20th–we will hold Midweek Lenten Vespers services. These services will have spoken liturgy with hymns sung acapella. The services will begin at 7:00 PM, and you will be able to join us either in person at Trinity or by livestream on our church Facebook Page.

For more information about the services and preaching themes this Lent, please click here

May these Lenten days be filled with joy as we glory in the Cross of our Savior and praise Him for His gifts of love and life to us!

Peace and blessings,

Notes and News for the Coming Days of Christmas

Dear Trinity Family,

As we head into the “final approach” for the celebration of Christmas and the remembrance of our Savior’s birth at Bethlehem, we just wanted to share some news about how Trinity is keeping these days this year and a couple of announcements as well.


Worship at Trinity during the Christmas Season

As we do each year, Trinity has a full schedule of services as we celebrate together the arrival into the world of God’s greatest Gift, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “Come and worship Christ the newborn King!”

The Fourth Sunday in Advent:
Sunday, December 24, 2023

This year, the final Sunday in Advent falls on the morning of December 24th. We will keep our regular Sunday morning schedule on this day with Adult Bible Class at 8:30 AM, and close the Advent Season with our Sunday Morning Worship with Holy Communion at 9:30 AM.


Christmas Eve: Sunday, December 24, 2023 – 7:00 PM
Candlelight Worship Service with Holy Communion

You are welcome to be with us for our Christmas Eve service which will include congregational singing of hymns and carols, special music from the Trinity Singers and musicians, the candlelight reading of the Christmas Gospel, and the celebration of Holy Communion. Join us for this service either in person at Trinity, or by livestream through Facebook Live on our church Facebook page.

For those joining us online, please visit the church website for connection information and to find the evening’s order of service so you can share in the carols, prayers, and praise of this holy night. Also, for those worshiping from home: we invite you to have a candle (and something to light it with) so that you can join us in hearing the Christmas Gospel and the singing of “Silent Night” by candlelight when we come to that point in the service.


Christmas Day: Monday, December 25, 2023 – 9:30 AM
Festival Worship Service with Holy Communion

Trinity will have a Christmas Day Festival Eucharist on Monday morning at 9:30 AM. It is a different service from the one held the night before, and is especially for our members who would like to be at church for Christmas, but don’t come out at night. All are welcome to join us in person at Trinity, and the service will also be livestreamed as well.

The First Sunday after Christmas
The Eve of the Circumcision and Holy Name of Jesus
New Year’s Eve: Sunday, December 31, 2023 – 9:30 AM
Festival Worship Service with Holy Communion

Join us as we celebrate the seventh day of Christmas and the approaching of a New Year rejoicing in the Name that was given for our salvation. We hope you will be with us either at Trinity or through our livestream.

As has become our tradition on the Sunday after Christmas, the “sermon” will be in the form of a Congregational Christmas Carol Sing. We will try our best to “take requests” from our online congregation who are able to send us messages through Facebook.

NOTE: There will be no Adult Bible Class held today.


An Epiphany Celebration
The Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord (Observed)
The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord:
The First Sunday after the Epiphany
Sunday, January 7, 2024 – 9:30 AM
Festival Worship Service with Holy Communion

Join us as we bring the Christmas season to its close in the wonderful blaze of light that reveals Christ to the world in a special celebration recalling both the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child and our Lord’s Baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist. As always, you are welcome to be with us either in person at Trinity or through our livestream.


Church Office on Holiday Break

During the Christmas Holiday week, December 25-January 2, the church office will be closed to allow our staff to have time at home with their families.  The staff will be checking the office answering machine daily for any messages.  Should any pastoral emergencies arise during this time, you may also contact Pastor directly on his cell phone.  The office will return to full staffing on Wednesday, January 3rd.

God’s richest blessings and peace be with you all as we go through this wonderful season of rejoicing in the coming of our Savior to be our Immanuel–God With Us!

In His Love,

Celebrating Holy Week at Trinity – 2023


Dear Friends in Christ,

Our 40 day Lenten Journey is nearing its completion now that we have reached the “Holy of Holies” of the entire Christian Year: the celebration of God’s great acts of love and salvation accomplished for us by Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

We hope that you will be able to join us for worship during the days of this Most Holy Week. Worship services will be held in person at Trinity and will be livestreamed as well on our church Facebook Page.


April 2, 2023

8:30 AM     Adult Bible Study in the Multipurpose Room

9:30 AM     The Liturgy of Palm Sunday
Join us as we begin the days of Holy Week through this special liturgy which includes the Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem; the Solemn Reading of the Passion according to Saint Matthew; Sermon by Pastor, continuing the Lenten Series “Chronicles of God’s Amazing Grace”: “The Crowd: Grace for the Loveless”, and the celebration of Holy Communion. Palms and Palm Crosses will be distributed.


April 6, 2023

7:00 PM     The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday
As we enter into the great remembrance of the Lord’s Passion, join us in gathering as did the Lord and the Twelve for that Last Supper they shared together. This solemn Evening Commemoration of the Lord’s Supper will include Confession and Absolution; Sermon by Pastor: “A Meal of Grace”; the celebration of Holy Communion on the night of its institution; and the Preparation of the Church for Good Friday.

April 7, 2023

7:00 PM     The Liturgy of Good Friday
Come and keep the remembrance of this Friday which is truly “good” because it brings us forgiveness, life, and salvation through Christ and His Cross. We will spend time meditating on the great redemption won for us in praying through the Office of Tenebrae–the “Service of Darkness–which includes the Adoration of the Cross; the Reading of the Passion according to Saint John; Sermon by Pastor: “Coup de Grace“; and the solemn Prayers for the Church and the World.

April 9, 2023

8:00 AM     Easter Fellowship Breakfast in the Multipurpose Room

9:30 AM     The Festival Celebration of the Resurrection
Share in the rejoicing of the victory over sin, death, and the devil won for us by our Risen and Ever-Living Lord Jesus in this festive liturgy on Easter Day. This festival service will include Easter Hymns and Special Music; Sermon by Pastor: “Amazing Grace: Now and Forever”; the Renewal of Baptismal Vows; and the celebration of Holy Communion.


We pray that you will share with us in the walk with our Lord Jesus through these days of His Passion and Resurrection, joyfully remembering the great grace and love of God shown and given to each of us through the sacrificial work of His Son.

A blessed Holy Week to one and all!


Keeping Lent Together at Trinity – 2023

lent_5576cThe Time of Easter is once again upon us, giving us forty days for prayer and reflection in preparation for fifty days of rejoicing–all in celebration of the heart of our faith: the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Lent begins this time, giving us the opportunity to remember and rejoice in the precious gift of God’s grace given to us sinners through the sacrifice of His Son. This grace, displayed in Christ’s Cross, is the source and center of our lives, and it fills these Lenten days, spilling over and into all of our days, giving us joy, hope, and peace in believing. To give us focus on this gift which is the only thing which truly matters to us, we use this Lenten season to saturate ourselves with God’s grace that comes to us in time spent in prayer and worship, in study and meditation on God’s Word, and on receiving this precious gift in God’s sacred means of grace given in the water of Baptism, the word of Absolution, and in the Fruits of our Savior’s cross brought to us in receiving Holy Communion.

Let us take this sacred time that we have been blessed with to discover anew God’s grace for us–His grace which gives us life in and through Him now and forever!


Our Theme for Our Lenten Journey

Amazing-Grace-Logo_6002023 marks the 250th Anniversary of the well-known and well-loved hymn, “Amazing Grace”, written by the Englishman, John Newton, a former slaveship captain, convert to Christianity, and Anglican Priest. The hymn is a sung autobiography of his spiritual journey which has had echoes in the lives of a countless number of other Christians who have sung it over the years, making it their own story.

In our devotions and worship during this Lenten Season, we will look at “autobiographies” of people we meet in the Scriptures, how they were touched with God’s grace, and how that grace changed them and their lives–just as the grace we have received from Christ has changed us and made us new in Him.


Devotions for Use at Home

Devotional Materials have been sent to every member home for your use during this season. Both of the devotions–“Amazing Grace”, for adults, and “God’s Grace is Great”, for families with children–will allow us to explore from the people we meet in the Scriptures how God reaches out to us with His love and grace. The devotions for families also come with a small activity which is tied to each day’s reflection.

Limited “extra” copies of the “Amazing Grace” devotional are available. Please visit the literature table in the rear of the sanctuary to pick up a copy. Also available are additional Lenten Calendars and Scriptural Bookmarks for your use in reflecting on the Scriptures during this season.


PrintWorshiping Together During the Lenten Season

The Season of Lent will begin as usual with worship on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd at 7:00 PM, with its traditional service including Confession, the Imposition of Ashes, and the celebration of Holy Communion.

This year’s Lenten preaching on the theme of “Chronicles of God’s Amazing Grace” will fill both our Sunday morning and Midweek evening services.

The Wednesdays of Lent–March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th–will be observed with Vesper Services. These services will be spoken liturgy with hymns sung acapella. All of our Midweek Services will begin at 7:00 PM, and you will be able to join us either in person at Trinity or by livestream on our church Facebook Page. For more information about these services, please visit our Worship Schedule page.


May God bless us all richly that these Lenten days are indeed filled with grace as we live and rejoice in His love given to us in Christ our Savior.

Peace and blessings,

A Special Newsletter for the Coming Days of Christmas

Dear Trinity Family,

As we head into the “final approach” for the celebration of Christmas and the remembrance of our Savior’s birth at Bethlehem, we just wanted to share some news about how Trinity is keeping these days this year and a couple of announcements as well.

IMG_0879Our Christmon Tree

In many churches you will find the Christmas tree that they set up in their sanctuary decorated with ornaments which depict symbols of our Christian faith. These ornaments are known as “Christmons”, which is a word formed from “Christ” and “monogram”. The symbols themselves come from the long tradition of Christian symbolism and art, using symbols and images which represent Christ and His names and titles, events in our Lord’s life, the Trinity, and the Church and our Christian Faith.

Thanks to a loving and generous gift from Carole Dingess, Trinity was able to purchase this set of 100 Christmons to adorn our church’s tree. The Christmons are the creation and work of Ad Crucem, a small Christian business operated by fellow Lutherans.

By visiting the Christmon page on their website, you will be able to view each of these ornaments and learn more about the deep and rich meaning behind them and how they tell and teach us about Christ, His story, and our faith.


star_23501cWorship at Trinity during the Christmas Season

As we do each year, Trinity has a full schedule of services as we celebrate together the arrival into the world of God’s greatest Gift, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “Come and worship Christ the newborn King!”

candle_25607acChristmas Eve: Saturday, December 24, 2022 – 7:00 PM
Candlelight Worship Service with Holy Communion

You are welcome to be with us for our Christmas Eve service which will include congregational singing of hymns and carols, special music from the Trinity Singers and musicians, the candlelight reading of the Christmas Gospel, and the celebration of Holy Communion. Join us for this service either in person at Trinity, or by livestream through Facebook Live on our church Facebook page.

For those joining us online, please visit the church website for connection information and to find the evening’s order of service so you can share in the carols, prayers, and praise of this holy night. Also, for those worshiping from home: we invite you to have a candle (and something to light it with) so that you can join us in hearing the Christmas Gospel and the singing of “Silent Night” by candlelight when we come to that point in the service.

xmasday_1266cChristmas Day: Sunday, December 25, 2022 – 9:30 AM
Festival Worship Service with Holy Communion

Trinity will have a Christmas Day Festival Eucharist on Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. It is a different service from the one held the night before, and is especially for our members who would like to be at church for Christmas, but don’t come out at night. All are welcome to join us in person at Trinity, and the service will also be livestreamed as well.

NOTE: There will be no Adult Bible Class held today.

sun_2385cThe Feast of the Circumcision and Holy Name of Jesus
New Year’s Day: Sunday, January 1, 2023 – 9:30 AM
Festival Worship Service with Holy Communion

Join us as we celebrate the eighth day of Christmas and the beginning of the New Year rejoicing in the Name that was given for our salvation. We hope you will be with us either at Trinity or through our livestream.

As has become our tradition on the Sunday after Christmas, the “sermon” will be in the form of a Congregational Christmas Carol Sing. We will try our best to “take requests” from our online congregation who are able to send us messages through Facebook.

NOTE: There will be no Adult Bible Class held today.

epiph11cAn Epiphany Celebration
The Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord (Observed)
The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord:
The First Sunday after the Epiphany
Sunday, January 8, 2023 – 9:30 AM
Festival Worship Service with Holy Communion

Join us as we bring the Christmas season to its close in the wonderful blaze of light that reveals Christ to the world in a special celebration recalling both the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child and our Lord’s Baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist. As always, you are welcome to be with us either in person at Trinity or through our livestream.


snowy_26021cChurch Office on Holiday Break

During the Christmas Holiday week, December 25-January 2, the church office will be closed to allow our staff to have time at home with their families.  The staff will be checking the office answering machine daily for any messages.  Should any pastoral emergencies arise during this time, you may also contact Pastor directly on his cell phone.  The office will return to full staffing on Tuesday, January 3rd.


God’s richest blessings and peace be with you all as we go through this wonderful season of rejoicing in the coming of our Savior to be our Immanuel–God With Us!

In His Love,

News Update from Pastor – May 26, 2022

ascension icon

Dear friends in Christ Jesus,

A blessed Ascension Day to you all!

Today is the fortieth day since our Lord Jesus’ resurrection, and recalling how St. Luke tells us that Jesus spent 40 days going in and out among His disciples before He was taken up from them into heaven, the Church continues to keep this day in celebration of our Lord’s return to “sit at the right hand of God” where He lives and reigns forever over the world and His people until the day of His promised return.  There are many places where this wonderful feast day is celebrated “on the day”, including in Amish communities where it is a holiday kept with community gatherings.  In other places, this feast is often transferred to the Sunday following (the 43rd Day of Easter), so that this important moment in the life of our Lord is not forgotten.

I hope that you will be able to join us this Sunday at Trinity where we will celebrate the Ascension of our Lord, celebrating our Blessed Lord who lives for us and reigns over us for all eternity.

This weekend is also Memorial Day weekend. May this time be filled with thanksgiving and remembrance for those who offered up “the last full measure of devotion” in service to our nation and world to protect and maintain the freedom and liberty we have.

Since it is also the “unofficial start of the Summer”, I also hope and pray that those traveling this weekend and throughout the vacation season remain safe and are able to “come home” to Trinity at their return.

With this weekend, we will conclude our “Regular Schedule” of the year to begin our “Summer Schedule”. This Sunday we will hold our final Adult Bible Study before we begin our Summer Recess. Beginning June 5th, we will only hold Divine Service at 9:30 AM each Sunday.  Lord willing, we will return to our Regular Schedule in the Fall, beginning on September 11th.

God be with you this weekend and through the Summer days, and we celebrate the life we live each day in the Son!  See you at church!

Peace and blessings,

Holy Week Is Here!

IMG_0679Dear Friends in Christ,

The Forty Days of this Lenten Season have been going quickly and are nearing their end as we prepare once more to enter into the most sacred days of the entire Christian Year. As we gather again to follow our Lord Jesus through these days of His passion and resurrection, we are once more enfolded into the very story of our salvation and rejoice again in the victory and life we share with our Blessed Redeemer.

We hope and pray that you will be able to join us for worship during these Holy Days, either in person as we gather at Trinity or by livestream available on our church Facebook Page. (Videoed services are available for later viewing, also on the church Facebook Page.)

The Schedule for our Holy Week Worship Services is available on our Worship Schedule Page.

Of interest to you may be our plans for Bible Study on Palm Sunday. As a way to prepare for the days of Holy Week, we will be viewing the short documentary film, “The Week That Changed the World”. It is a “walk through” of the history behind the days and events of that first Holy Week, led by ancient historian and Lutheran Pastor, Paul L. Maier. If you are not able to join us, you can find out more about this film by visiting their website: http://theweekthatchangedtheworld.com/
The film may also be available for purchase and viewing on variious streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video and others.

We also plan to hold Bible Study on Easter Morning before worship beginning at 8:30 AM for those able to be with us.

God’s richest blessings be with all of us as we keep these sacred days so central to our faith!

Peace in the Savior’s Name!

Lent is Coming!


Hard to believe, but the Season of Lent is upon us! As we prepare for the celebration of Easter and the joy of the new life we have in our Risen Lord, we once more take the opportunity to walk with our Savior through the days of His Passion, rejoicing in the death which brings us life, forgiveness, and eternal salvation.

We hope that you will join in keeping this holy time through prayer and meditating on God’s Word. In addition to coming together each Lord’s Day, there are other opportunities to reflect and meditate on God’s great acts of love for us in Christ.

Home Devotions:

Devotional Materials have been sent to every member home for your use during this season. For adults, the devotional, “In View of God’s Mercy”, will help us to reflect on God’s great mercy shown to us in Jesus. For families with children, “The Cross and Me”, will help make the connection between Jesus’ journey to the cross and the small acts of love and kindness that we are able to do for others.

Limited “extra” copies are available. Please see Pastor.

Midweek Lenten Worship:

As the world returns to something “close to normal”, we have decided to make a return to holding Midweek Lenten Vespers.

The Season of Lent will begin as usual on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd, with its traditional service including Confession, the Imposition of Ashes, and the celebration of Holy Communion.

The following Wednesdays–March 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, and April 6th–will be observed with Vesper Services reflecting on the Passion History drawn from the Four Evangelists.
These services will be spoken liturgy with hymns sung acappella.

All Midweek Services will begin at 7:00 PM, and you will be able to join us either in person at Trinity or by livestream on our church Facebook Page. For more information about these services, please visit our Worship Schedule page.

Details on Holy Week Worship will be forthcoming as we draw closer to that time. Stay tuned!

With prayers for a blessed Lenten season filled with prayer and meditation on the great deeds of God in Christ. See you at worship!

Peace and blessings,

Announcements and News for these Coming Days of Christmas

Dear friends in Christ,

Greetings to you all as we come to the end of our Advent days and enter into the joyous celebration of the coming of the Lord Jesus as we remember His birth in Bethlehem.

Just a few announcements regarding coming worship services at Trinity in these days…

Christmas Eve:

We will hold our Christmas Eve Candlelight Eucharist on Friday evening at 7:00 PM. We plan to have in person worship at Trinity, and the service will be livestreamed as well on Facebook Live.

For those joining us online, please visit the church website for connection information and to find the evening’s order of service so you can share in the carols, prayers, and praise of this holy night. Also, for those worshiping from home: we invite you to have a candle (and something to light it with) so that you can join us in hearing the Christmas Gospel and the singing of “Silent Night” by candlelight when we come to that point in the service.

Christmas Day:

There will be a Christmas Day Festival Eucharist on Saturday morning at 9:30 AM. This will be a different service from the one held the night before, and is especially for our members who would like to be at church for Christmas, but don’t come out at night. All are still welcome to join us at Trinity, and the service will also be livestreamed as well.

The Sunday after Christmas – December 26th:

Note: There will be NO Sunday Morning Bible Study on this day.

Our regular Sunday Worship will be held at 9:30 AM, both in person and on livestream. As has become a bit of tradition for us, the sermon this Sunday will be replaced by a Christmas Carol Sing. For those watching online, we will try our best to “take requests” from you through comments on Facebook.

Livestream links, as well as copies of the orders of service, are available on the church website: www.tlcmr.org. Or you can log on to the livestream directly on our church Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/trinityelcmountrainier

God’s blessings and peace be with all of us in these days of celebrating Christ!

In His love,