Trinity Email Update from Pastor – June 19, 2020

Dear Trinity Family,

This week’s news is perfectly summed up in the words of the Psalmist David:

“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!'” (Ps. 122:1)

We are indeed glad as we look forward to returning to our church home after three months of being away from it and from each other’s fellowship.  It will be a great joy to see many of you again, and to share in the blessings of lifting our praises and prayers to the Lord, hearing His Word, and receiving the precious gift of the Lord’s Supper together once more.

With that being said, we do realize that the cause of this time of separation from each other is still with us.  While we open the doors again, we are not yet able to “fling them wide open” as we still must follow attendance limits and other distancing procedures.  We also realize that the virus is still active, so there is still a need for continued caution.  While some of us may be open to making a return to church now, there are still those who feel the need to continue staying at home.  As we said before the stay at home orders went into effect, each of us will need to use the God-given gift of wisdom that we have to make the best decision that we can for our own health and well-being.  If you do not yet feel that the time is right for you to come back to worship, be at peace with that decision, knowing that your church family loves you, is praying for and with you, and looks forward to the day when we can all be together again.

For those who are coming back (or when you are ready to come back), information concerning how our worship gatherings will look like during this time of “adjusted normal” is available for you to review on the church website here.

(This information will also be available in the Sunday Bulletin for the next couple of weeks as well.)

Speaking of the Sunday Bulletin, it is also available for you here on the church website to get the latest news from Trinity.

As we will continue to livestream our Sunday Services, the bulletins will also continue to be published online especially for use by those who will be joining us in worship through Facebook Live.

God’s blessings be with you all this weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all at worship this Sunday, either in person or online!

Peace in Christ,

Returning to Worship Information


RESUMING PUBLIC WORSHIP … After 13 long weeks since we last met together on March 15th, County Executive Alsobrooks has allowed churches to resume indoor worship services at 25% of building capacity, beginning June 15th.  Based upon “pew space” in the nave, we have a capacity of 108, which places our limit at 27 persons. (Because of actual building space, which would include the balcony, overflow, and other areas in the church, our building’s capacity number could actually be greater.)  Even at 27 persons, this number does allow us the opportunity, based on our average attendance, to be able to invite all those of our members who feel comfortable to return to in person worship to do so.

Please read through the following announcements so that you will know what we are doing for us to be able to worship safely together again.

WHEN YOU ARRIVE … You will be met at the door by a table holding copies of the Sunday Service and Bulletin, as well as hand sanitizer.  Please then take your seat for worship.  Pews in the Nave have been marked off for use, and we ask you to please distance yourselves accordingly; persons from the same household may sit together.  Seating is also available in the balcony and the overflow as needed.  We also ask you to please resist the great temptation to socialize before the service.  We know we all want to do this because we’ve been away from each other so long, but for the time being, it is best for us to limit our interactions with one another while indoors.  Feel free to have “properly distanced fellowship” outside after service.

MASKS … As in many other indoor venues, we are asking that you please wear a mask as much as possible while inside the church building.  We realize that there will be times when you may need to take the mask off (such as to receive Communion), but to promote everyone’s well-being, we ask you to wear them.  If you do not have a mask from home to wear, we do have a limited supply of disposable masks available.  Please ask for one.

BULLETINS … Per reopening suggestions, hymnals have been removed from the pews, so the order of service has been fully printed in the Sunday Bulletin.  After the service, please take these home with you for your personal devotions, keeping up with the latest Trinity news, and to recycle.  Thank you.

OFFERINGS … We will continue to not pass the offering plates as a part of the worship service at this time.  A basket is available on the “literature table” in the rear of the nave to receive your offerings as you enter for worship.  You may also continue to mail in your offerings to the church office as well.

SHARING THE PEACE … We will continue to share the Peace of the Lord with one another corporately; the response to the Pastor of “And also with you”, is directed to everyone (“And also with y’all”).  That being said, you may feel free to “share the peace” with those around you through a wave or a smile as we continue for a while in our distancing.

HOLY COMMUNION … As we can now gather together in person around the Lord’s Table, we will once again offer the Lord’s Supper as a part of our regular worship.  Holy Communion will be offered to those present through use of individual hosts and cups (wine and grape juice will be offered).  The distribution will take place in a “continuous fashion”. Each pew will be directed forward by section (pulpit side, lectern side, overflow and balcony).  As you come forward, please keep some distance in between persons.

In concern for everyone’s well-being, Pastor and his assistant will have cleaned their hands before the distribution with hand sanitizer and will wear masks.  Pastor will distribute Christ’s Body and bless all those not receiving at the center of the rail (where the Font is usually located).  Turning to the left, the assistant will have the tray of cups with Christ’s Blood available for you.  At the end of the rail will be a place for you to place your empty cup.  Please then return to your seat by use of the side aisle.

RESTROOMS … For the time being, and to help us in managing the amount of cleaning which needs to be maintained, we kindly ask that those in the building do not use the restrooms on the fellowship hall level of the building.  The restroom in the church office lobby is available for your use.  However, if there should be an “emergency need” to use the restroom downstairs, please let Pastor know so that it can be cleaned.  Thank you for your understanding.

TO SUM UP … All of these items (and a few others) are summarized in our “Trinity Stay-Safe Rules” which you will find here online and posted at church.  If you have any questions or concerns about any of these things, please speak with Pastor or one of our MPG Members (Helen & Waymond Joynes, Julie Gilroy, Michael McCoyer, Vincent Peele, Paul Ritter) to let your thoughts and questions be heard.  We look to having your input.


As exciting as it is for us to be able to reopen the doors of the church building to our Trinity Family for worship together, we also realize that because of the situation that this pandemic has brought, we are not yet at an ending of it all.  Like many of our leaders have pointed out, we know that the pandemic is not over, and though things have gotten better, we are not able to say that anything we do as individuals or groups is 100% safe.  All of us remain vigilant about our safety for both our health and the health of others.

If you do not as yet feel ready to return to worship in person, because of age or medical condition or any other reason, we understand completely.  Be at peace with your decision and know that we hold you in our hearts and in our prayers, waiting to greet you when you do return.

Also, we kindly ask any who are sick or showing the symptoms of the virus to please stay home from coming to church, and if needed to get under your doctor’s care.

ONLINE WORSHIP … As we begin the reopening of our church building with the gradual relaxing of limits on public gatherings for churches, we will continue to offer the option for worshipping online, especially for those of our Trinity family who are unable to be with us, or who are not as yet ready to make their return.  Please join us on our church Facebook Page, or through the link available on the church webpage to help those who are not on Facebook to join us.  Also on the church webpage, you will find a link to the current worship service bulletin which you can view or print to aid your participation in the service.  We hope that this method of “gathering together” will continue to be a blessing for those who have need of it.  If there are any problems, comments, questions, or even complaints, please contact Pastor by phone or email and let us know what we can try to do to be better.

PRIVATE COMMUNION … For those who are shut-in or who may be fearful of coming out in these days, please contact Pastor so we can have conversation together and—depending on health, conditions, and schedule—make arrangements to come and bring you Communion.

Also, appointments can be made for individuals or families to meet with Pastor Schiebel at the church to celebrate and receive the Sacrament together.  Please call the church office (301-864-4340) or email Pastor ( and we’ll set up a mutually convenient time to be together for this time with the Lord and one another.

If either of these are not workable for you, we may suggest making a “Spiritual Communion” as a part of your devotions and online worship.  A meditation and prayer for this purpose is available on the church website here.

Trinity Email Update from Pastor – June 12, 2020

Dear Trinity Family,

A blessed Friday to one and all!

Well, the day has finally and blessedly arrived!  Yesterday, County Executive Alsobrooks announced that Prince George’s County would be entering into its Phase Two of Reopening, and this would allow churches to open for indoor services at 25% capacity, beginning on Monday, June 15th. This permission allows us a high enough number to invite our regular attendees to return to Trinity for in person worship services again if they so desire. In consultation with the Ministry Planning Group (MPG), we have set Sunday, June 21st as “Return to Trinity” Sunday. Worship will begin that day at 9:30 AM.

As we move towards reopening, there is much to be informed about on how church and worship will “look like and feel like” when we return. There is a lot of information in this Sunday’s bulletin, available here, about these plans as we come back to our church home. Please read through them, and if you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor or one of our MPG members.

News then for this weekend…

Please look again for the email sent out yesterday, or in the Sunday Bulletin, for news about our resuming food distribution for clients of our Compassion Center. Note especially the needs that we need to keep the pantry stocked for the coming weeks.  There will be a time to drop off food donations at Redeemer on Sunday afternoon between Noon and 2 PM.

Since the County Executive’s new orders do not go into effect until Monday, this Sunday we will continue to offer worship online only. We thank all of you for staying connected together through these virtual means and we pray it has been a blessing to you. We will continue to livestream the services when we return for those who are still unable to be with us and as a way of continuing to reach out to those who have “found” us online during these past weeks.

I pray that all of us have a safe and enjoyable weekend, and I hope to join you all in worship this coming Lord’s Day.

And as always, “May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from another.”

Peace and blessings,

Trinity Email Update and Devotion from Pastor – June 5, 2020

Dear Trinity Family,

A blessed Friday to one and all!

It’s time once again for the weekly update on goings on at Trinity, and honestly, not much new to report as the county’s limits on religious gatherings continue. We look forward to hearing from the County Executive a change to these limits so we can open our doors to a larger group to come and worship. But until then, we wait.

As a part of our getting ready for reopening, we would like to thank Joy Sandiford and family for their donation of Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer which we will be putting to use both in our preparing for and when we gather again.  Thanks for your gift!  If other members have or are able to share cleaning supplies that would be useful to keeping our church home clean for when we meet again, they will be greatly appreciated as these supplies are often hard to find.

We rejoice along with our brothers and sisters at Our Savior Lutheran in Laurel who will be celebrating the Ordination and Installation of their new Associate Pastor, Joshua Hileman, who is coming to them from after his graduation from Concordia Seminary in Saint Louis. Praise God for answered prayers for new laborers in His harvest fields!

We are scheduled to have a Zoom Fellowship this Sunday afternoon at 4 PM. We hope you can join us. Connection information will be sent out in a separate email. If you did not receive the email and would like to join us, please email Pastor at so he can send you the connection link.

All of the other news is available in this Sunday’s Bulletin which can be found here


To close, some thoughts about this coming Sunday…

The Feast of the Holy Trinity both closes the festival half of the Church Year and opens the long season of “Ordinary Time”. It is a celebration of the great mystery of the Triune God–one God in three Persons–as well as a celebration of how this God is revealed to us in His great and glorious works seen in how God has created us, redeemed us, and made us holy.

This Feast is also special for us as a congregation because it is our “Festival of Title”, our “name day”. Our congregation received its name from our “mother church”: Trinity (now First Trinity) Lutheran in Washington, DC, who started what became our congregation as a mission to reach out to the emerging suburbs of Washington in 1931.

As we remember our congregation’s name–named for the One True God–we are also reminded that not only does our parish bear this Name of God, but each one of us bear this same Name as well as we were baptized into this Name–the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

When one “wears” someone else’s name, like being named after some dearly loved relative in one’s family tree, there is almost a hope and expectation for you to “live up to that name”.  How much more is the expectation that we “live up” to God’s Name that we bear in our life and living?  It seems to be too high of a goal for us to be able to fulfill.  But that fact doesn’t exempt us from trying.

Perhaps in the days we find ourselves in, maybe the best thing for us is to see how God’s attributes show themselves at work in our lives.  We know that God is Love.  How is that love at work in our lives?  How are we loving God?  Are we loving others as God has loved us?  In answering these questions we will come to discover how much we are living up to being bearers of God’s Name, how much we need to repent of our failures to live up to that Name, and how we are strengthened and renewed by God to truly love one another as God loves all.

May God bless us and give us grace to be worthy bearers of His Name in the world!

God’s blessings on your weekend and look forward to “seeing” you at worship on Sunday!

And as always, “May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from another.”

Peace and blessings,