Returning to Worship Information


As we have continued to navigate this time of COVID together, we are happy that we have been able to resume a mostly normal in person worship life together here at Trinity. While some things we have observed during the pandemic still remain, we are thankful for the opportunity to gather together in the Lord’s House.

Please read through the following announcements so that you will know what we are doing for us to continue to worship safely together.

WHEN YOU ARRIVE … You will be met at the door by a table holding copies of the Sunday Service and Bulletin, as well as hand sanitizer. All pews in the Nave are available to use, and we ask you to please distance yourselves as you feel necessary.  Seating is also available in the balcony and the overflow as needed.

MASKS … As the mask mandate in the county has been lifted for indoor venues, the wearing of a mask is optional. If you feel the need to wear a mask while in the church building, we lovingly respect your decision. If you do not have a mask from home to wear, and need one, we do have a limited supply of disposable masks available on the narthex table with the day’s bulletins.

BULLETINS … For the convenience of those who are worshiping online, we will continue to fully print the order of service in the Sunday Bulletin.  After the service, please take these home with you for your personal devotions, keeping up with the latest Trinity news, and to recycle.  Thank you. Also, for those who like to follow the service and the music through use of our hymnal, the Lutheran Service Books have been restored to the pew racks.

OFFERINGS … We will continue to not pass the offering plates as a part of the worship service at this time.  A basket is available on the “literature table” in the rear of the nave to receive your offerings as you enter for worship.  For those worshiping with us online, you may also continue to mail in your offerings to the church office as well.

SHARING THE PEACE … We will continue to share the Peace of the Lord with one another corporately; the response to the Pastor of “And also with you”, is directed to everyone (“And also with y’all”).  That being said, you may feel free to “share the peace” with those around you through a wave or a smile as we continue for a while in our distancing.

HOLY COMMUNION … Holy Communion will be offered to those present in person at Trinity through use of individual hosts and cups (wine and grape juice will be offered).  The distribution will take place in a “continuous fashion”. Each pew will be directed forward by section (pulpit side, lectern side, overflow and balcony).  As you come forward, please keep some distance in between persons.

In concern for everyone’s well-being, Pastor and his assistant will have cleaned their hands before the distribution with hand sanitizer.  Pastor will distribute Christ’s Body and bless all those not receiving at the center of the rail (where the Font is usually located).  Turning to the left, the assistant will have the tray of cups with Christ’s Blood available for you.  At the end of the rail will be a place for you to place your empty cup.  Please then return to your seat by use of the side aisle.

TO SUM UP … All of these items (and a few others) are summarized in our “Trinity Stay-Safe Rules” which you will find here online and posted at church.  If you have any questions or concerns about any of these things, please speak with Pastor or one of our MPG Members (Helen & Waymond Joynes, Gus Kruelle, Julie Gilroy, Michael McCoyer, Vincent Peele, Paul Ritter) to let your thoughts and questions be heard.  We look to having your input.


As exciting as it is for us to be able to gather again as a Trinity Family for worship together, we also realize that because of the situation that this pandemic has brought, we are not yet at an ending of it all.  Like many of our leaders have pointed out, we know that the pandemic is not over, and though things have gotten better, we are not able to say that anything we do as individuals or groups is 100% safe.  All of us remain vigilant about our safety for both our health and the health of others.

If you do not as yet feel ready to return to worship in person, because of age or medical condition or any other reason, we understand completely.  Be at peace with your decision and know that we hold you in our hearts and in our prayers, waiting to greet you when you do return.

Also, we kindly ask any who are sick or showing the symptoms of the virus to please stay home from coming to church, and if needed to get under your doctor’s care.

ONLINE WORSHIP … Even as we are able to gather together in person at church, we are continuing to offer the option for worshiping online, especially for those of our Trinity family who are unable to be with us, or who are not as yet ready to make their return.  Please join us on our church Facebook Page, or through the link available on the church webpage to help those who are not on Facebook to join us.  Also on the church webpage, you will find a link to the current worship service bulletin which you can view or print to aid your participation in the service.  We hope that this method of “gathering together” will continue to be a blessing for those who have need of it.  If there are any problems, comments, questions, or even complaints, please contact Pastor by phone or email and let us know what we can try to do to be better.

PRIVATE COMMUNION … For those who are shut-in or who may be are not able to come out to worship, please contact Pastor so we can have conversation together and—depending on health, conditions, and schedule—make arrangements to come and bring you Communion.

Also, appointments can be made for individuals or families to meet with Pastor Schiebel at the church to celebrate and receive the Sacrament together.  Please call the church office (301-864-4340) or email Pastor ( and we’ll set up a mutually convenient time to be together for this time with the Lord and one another.

If either of these are not workable for you, we may suggest making a “Spiritual Communion” as a part of your devotions and online worship.  A meditation and prayer for this purpose is available on the church website here.