Dear Friends in Christ,
Our 40 day Lenten Journey is nearing its completion now that we have reached the “Holy of Holies” of the entire Christian Year: the celebration of God’s great acts of love and salvation accomplished for us by Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
We hope that all of us will take the opportunity to use these holy days as a moment to deepen our prayer and meditation on what our Lord has done for us by listening intently to God’s Word, especially the history of His Passion and Resurrection, and receiving the Lord’s Gifts of grace in Absolution and His Supper. Through our corporate worship and private devotion in these days, may our spirits be uplifted, our minds filled with the mighty acts of God, and our hearts overflowing with gratitude and praise for all that our Lord and Savior has accomplished to bring us eternal life and everlasting salvation.
Resources for Personal Prayer and Meditation During Holy Week
As we individually keep these days of Holy Week with our own prayers and meditation, we are providing for your devotional use a couple of items which we offered to our Trinity Family in the past. First, is a guide for Meditating on the Lord’s Passion through the reading of the Passion found in each of the Gospels or through use of “The Passion History”. The other is a devotional booklet, “From Palms to Passion”, which provides morning and evening meditations for each day of Holy Week.
Passion Readings for Holy Week
From Palms to Passion Devotional
Our Worship Schedule for Holy Week
We hope and pray that you will be able to join us for worship during these Holy Days, either in person as we gather together at Trinity or by livestream available on our church Facebook Page. (Videoed services are available for later viewing, also on the church Facebook Page.)
March 24, 2024
8:30 AM Adult Bible Study in the Multipurpose Room
9:30 AM The Liturgy of Palm Sunday
Join us as we begin the days of Holy Week through this special liturgy which includes the Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem; the Solemn Reading of the Passion according to Saint Matthew; Sermon by Pastor, “Exalted Humility”, and the celebration of Holy Communion.
Palms and Palm Crosses will be distributed.
March 28, 2024
7:00 PM The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday
As we enter into the great days kept in remembrance of the Lord’s Passion, join us in gathering as did the Lord and the Twelve for that Last Supper they shared together. This solemn Evening Commemoration of the Lord’s Supper will include Confession and Absolution; Sermon by Pastor, continuing our Lenten Sermon Series, “Guided to the Cross”: “Guided to Service”; the celebration of Holy Communion on the night of its institution; and the Preparation of the Church for Good Friday.
March 29, 2024
7:00 PM The Liturgy of Good Friday
Come and keep the remembrance of this Friday which is truly “good” because it brings us forgiveness, life, and salvation through Christ and His Cross. We will spend time meditating on the great redemption won for us in praying through the Office of Tenebrae–the “Service of Darkness–which includes the Adoration of the Cross; the Reading of the Passion according to Saint John; Sermon by Pastor: “Guided to Sacrifice”; and the solemn Prayers for the Church and the World.
March 31, 2024
8:00 AM Easter Fellowship Breakfast in the Multipurpose Room
9:30 AM The Festival Celebration of the Resurrection
Share in the rejoicing of the victory over sin, death, and the devil won for us by our Risen and Ever-Living Lord Jesus in this festive liturgy on Easter Day. This festival service will include Easter Hymns and Special Music; Sermon by Pastor, concluding this year’s Lenten Sermon Series: “Guided to New Life”; the Renewal of Baptismal Vows; and the celebration of Holy Communion.
May the Lord richly bless all of us as we walk in His way–from palms and “Hosannas”, to the Upper Room and Gethsemane’s betrayal, to trials and condemnation, seeing His mocking and bearing the cross, to Calvary and burial, and finally stand rejoicing at His empty tomb, shouting with joy that life and salvation are won and ours forever.
See you at worship this Holy Week!
Peace and blessings,