It is hard to believe, but Lent is upon us again! With an early celebration of Easter, we find ourselves beginning our Lenten preparations, focusing ourselves once again on our Savior and His Cross, being drawn to it anew and discovering afresh the great and wondrous love of God for each of us. In this holy time of forty days, we embrace the opportunity to place ourselves–in heart, mind, and life–into the very center of our faith: the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Cross of Jesus is the sign of God’s great love, mercy, and grace shown to the whole of His creation, and especially to us, the children of His creating. We are drawn by the love displayed there to receive from Him all of the gifts that our Lord gives to us because of what He has done. Because of the Cross, and our faith in our Savior, our lives are forever changed as we live now in this life for the One who lived, died, and rose again for us. And as we live in and through Him, He continues to lead and guide us to sharing with Him in that eternal life which He has won for us.
May this time we spend near the Cross of Jesus in these Lenten Days fill us with the hope, joy, and peace that is found in our believing that Jesus is indeed our Savior and the One who gives us true life in Him now and forever.
Our Theme for this Year’s Lenten Journey – Guided to the Cross
Each year, the Season of Lent calls on Christ’s followers to take a journey again to His cross. Going once more to Calvary, we follow Christ, the Lamb of God, who goes uncomplaining to offer His life for the forgiveness of our sins and to open everlasting life to us whom He redeems with His precious blood. As we behold our Lord Jesus and His sacrifice for us, we see in all of its fullness the gift of God’s great love for us and for the whole world.
Looking to the Cross, we see “love so amazing, so divine”. So much is wrapped up in this gift that begs us to spend time in deeper contemplation of it. As we are guided again to the cross this Lent, we come to look deeply at all of the gifts which flow to us and our lives from it: forgiveness, hope, love, peace, trust, perseverance, grace, and new life.
During our Lenten Midweek Worship we will look at each of these gifts from the Cross and learn anew of their meaning and purpose for us in our life and living as children of God’s creating and redeeming.
We know that from these gifts to us out of God’s fullness we have indeed received His grace and by that grace we live. Walking again with our Lord to His cross, may we be renewed in these gifts, see our lives refreshed through them, and be empowered to follow Christ and His example as we live in, with, and for Him.
Devotions for use at home
As is our tradition here at Trinity, devotional materials have been provided for each member family. A devotional booklet for adults, “Guided to the Cross”, follows the themes of our Lenten Worship and preaching. Families with young children have been provided with a devotional, “Cross My Heart”, which will lead them to learn more of the Savior’s love for them and how they can share this love of Jesus with others.
Materials were either picked up from Trinity or mailed to your home. Limited quantities of each devotion are available for you on the literature table in the rear of the sanctuary.
Worshiping Together During the Lenten Season
The Season of Lent is a time when we are able to immerse ourselves in the story of our salvation, especially through worship where we come together to hear God’s Word read and proclaimed and to receive God’s gifts of grace and forgiveness through words of forgiveness and absolution and in partaking of the fruits of our Savior’s Cross in the Holy Supper of His Body and Blood. We pray that you will join us and take advantage of the worship opportunities we have in this Sacred Season.
Lent will begin as usual with worship on Ash Wednesday, February 14th, at 7:00 PM with its traditional service including Confession of Sins, the Imposition of Ashes, and the celebration of Holy Communion. The service will be livestreamed on the church Facebook Page for those who cannot be with us in person.
On the Wednesdays of Lent–February 21st & 28th and March 6th, 13th, & 20th–we will hold Midweek Lenten Vespers services. These services will have spoken liturgy with hymns sung acapella. The services will begin at 7:00 PM, and you will be able to join us either in person at Trinity or by livestream on our church Facebook Page.
For more information about the services and preaching themes this Lent, please click here
May these Lenten days be filled with joy as we glory in the Cross of our Savior and praise Him for His gifts of love and life to us!
Peace and blessings,