Dear Trinity Family,
Greetings to you all in these “very warm” days of summertime in DC! Although we are sometimes used to using the expression on days like these, a local church sign I saw recently did put things into perspective: “No, it isn’t as hot as hell”. So for that we can be thankful, even as we pray for the return of cooler weather 🙂
I forgot to make this announcement at the end of last Sunday’s service, so I did want to send this message out to all of you as a reminder. Last Sunday afternoon, our County Executive put an indoor mask mandate into effect. For those who will gather at Trinity for in person worship, we kindly ask you to once again wear your mask while in the church building. We hope and pray that the COVID metrics for the county will once again trend downward and will allow this mandate to be lifted. Until then, continue to do those things which will keep yourselves and your family and neighbors safe and healthy.
Have a blessed weekend and hope to see you at worship on Sunday!
Peace in Christ,