Looking Forward to Holy Week

PrintAfter this past year with its distancing and restrictions on gatherings, it is indeed a blessing to be able to look forward to a “more normal” celebration of Holy Week and Easter kept together in church this year. While we will continue to observe the protocols which this time of COVID require of us, we will also be able to keep these Great and Holy Days in remembrance of our salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are happy that we will be able to offer again our usual pattern of worship for Holy Week with the Divine Service on Palm Sunday, and the Liturgies of the Easter Triduum (Three Days) on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. For details and times of these important worship gatherings, please see our Holy Week Calendar:

Holy Week Schedule 2021

Pastor has prepared a video message which will take you through the services of Holy Week: pointing out many of the special ceremonies which are a part of these holy days and how we will observe them together at Trinity this year, especially as we will have both in-person and online worshipers.

Holy Week Preview Video

As we individually keep these days of Holy Week with our own prayers and meditation, we are providing a couple of items which we offered last year during this time. First, is a guide for Meditating on the Lord’s Passion through the reading of the Passion found in each of the Gospels or through use of “The Passion History”. The other is a devotional booklet, “From Palms to Passion”, which provides morning and evening meditations for each day of Holy Week.

Passion Readings for Holy Week

From Palms to Passion Devotional

May the Lord richly bless all of us as we walk in His way–from palms and “Hosannas”, to the Upper Room and Gethsemane’s betrayal, to trials and condemnation, seeing His mocking and bearing the cross, to Calvary and burial, and finally stand rejoicing at His empty tomb, shouting with joy that life and salvation are won and ours forever.

See you at worship this Holy Week!

Peace and blessings,