Instruction in the Christian Faith and in the particular beliefs of Lutheran Christians is offered to those who desire to become active members of our congregation.
A two year course of study for 6th and 7th grade students is offered, leading to their reception as communicant members of Trinity. The students spend their first year studying the major accounts and themes of the Scriptures. In the second year, they complete a thorough study of Luther’s Small Catechism. For young people who are in High School and have not yet been confirmed, time for one-on-one instruction can be provided with the Pastor leading to Confirmation.
Adults who desire to become members of Trinity also have opportunity to learn about what we believe as Lutheran Christians. Occasional Adult Information Classes are scheduled as there is interest. Pastor can also meet individually with interested persons for one-on-one instruction. This instruction will lead to reception into membership in the Christian Church at Trinity either by Baptism, Confirmation, or Profession of Faith.
Please speak with Pastor about your interest in any of these Faith Instruction opportunities.