Greetings from Pastor on Good Friday – April 10, 2020

Dear friends in Christ,

As we keep these great Three Days of celebrating and remembering God’s great love shown us in Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection, may the Lord bless us with the gift of faith and move us to give thanks for the salvation we have through Jesus Christ.

Thank you all for keeping up with all of the messages and devotions that have gone out by email and video, and thanks to all those who have sent responses back in thanks for them. It is certainly not the way one would like to keep in touch with you all, but we are all trying to do our best to keep the “ties that bind” us together.

I also pray that the suggestions we passed on to you to aid us in keeping Holy Week at home have been a help, and hope that you also found your own ways to keep these holy days as well, maybe creating some new family traditions.

Thanks to all those who have been viewing our special services during Holy Week. Just a reminder that Good Friday Vespers will begin at 3:00 PM; Holy Saturday Noonday Prayer will be at 12:00 Noon; and Easter Morning Worship will be at 9:30 AM. These are the times when we “go live”. You are also welcome to view the services at any time as they are archived on our Facebook Page:

Two other announcements of upcoming events:

Easter Fellowship on Zoom –
So we can have a chance to “see” each other and share the joy of Easter together, we have set up a Zoom Meeting for Easter Afternoon, April 12th, at 4:00 PM. Connection information has been sent to members in a separate email.

Midweek Bible Study –
Ordinarily, Easter Week has been used as a “downtime” moment following the busyness of Holy Week. But given the need to remain connected and to continue providing spiritual sustenance for us all, Pastor will continue Midweek Devotions and Bible Study beginning on Easter Wednesday, April 15th, at 7:00 PM. He will be leading these from church and livestreaming them on Facebook. Hope you can join us.

A blessed Three Days to you all!

Peace in Christ,