Dear friends in Christ,
Today as we gathered in worship, we prayed together the words of Psalm 84:
How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!
My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord;
My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.
I was personally struck by these words as they passed my lips, reminding myself of the joy we are able to receive when we gather in the Lord’s house to be strengthened by Him, His Word, and His Gifts, and by the consolation and encouragement of fellow believers. As reminded us all today, we need each other in this time, just as the world reminds us that we need to work together to get through this. But even more than that, we need the Lord, because He will be the One who will help us in this time of need.
It was good to be with those who came to worship today, and we pray that those who were not able to be with us were united with us in spirit as we lifted up our prayers and praises to the Lord. Even in the midst of these changing and uncertain moments, we have all found ways to be united with God and with each other either physically or spiritually.
After worship, we were able to have conversation with one another about our feelings and perspectives on the current situation and its impact on what we do together as a Trinity family, especially in regard to worship. Taking in all of the comments, the Ministry Planning Group (MPG) met together to make further decisions about the coming days.
1) We will continue to hold our gatherings for Worship on Sundays mornings and for Bible Study on Wednesday evenings.
Again, following the current instructions of the Governor, we feel that our Parish Family is able to continue to meet because we are under the threshold of 250 people for holding public gatherings. We will continue to follow the news and updates from the government if any of their instructions might change and require us to adapt our plans.
2) We will continue the precautions that we have begun with parts of our worship: Suspending the Sharing of the Peace, collecting the offering “at the door”, use of individual wafers and cups for Communion, and use of hand sanitizer by Pastor and worship assistants and members.
In addition to these things, I know that many of us are individually practicing, as best we can, certain protocols of “social distancing” to protect ourselves and one another from this virus. Please continue to do so.
3) We will continue to use the gifts God has given to us in wisdom, discretion, and common sense as we are guided by the Lord to follow more faith than fear.
With this in mind, we want to stress two points that are very important at this time:
a) As in any family, if you are sick or have any of the symptoms that have been put forward as manifest of the current virus, we are sure that for your good and for others that you will refrain from going out, even for worship. This is especially important as our society tries to get a handle on controlling the spread of the virus and reducing the number of new cases.
b) If you are in any way worried or concerned about going out because of fear of contracting or perhaps unknowingly spreading illness, also be at peace and know that your concern for others is part of looking out for the spiritual welfare of both yourself and others.
In either case, we will be in prayer for one another that the Lord will bring us and the world safely through this moment and allow us in peace and with joy to return to His house to worship together freed from the fear of this epidemic.
4) Because of this current situation, it should also be said that Pastor may not be able to make certain visits during this time, especially to nursing centers and homes and to some extent even hospitals, except in emergency situations. It is important then to be sure to let Pastor know of any emergency spiritual needs as soon as possible. His personal cell phone number can be found at the bottom of this message.
As to other pastoral calls, please contact Pastor to make arrangements. We’ll do our best to make such visits possible based upon everyone’s comfort and health status.
5) And lastly, please be sure to continue to check your email or our Facebook Group (Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mount Rainier, MD) for more news and updates as this continues to be a rather fluid situation. Please also feel free to pass this information along to those who may not receive these email communications.
As always, please feel free to contact either Pastor or one of the members of the MPG with any of your thoughts, questions, or concerns. We will get through this together, but more importantly, we will get through this with the Lord and His help. God grant us all His mercy, His wisdom, and an abundance of His peace and love!
In Christ Jesus,