As God’s people, we seek to live out our faith not only in words, but also in deeds which put the love of God in action for the good of our neighbor. To help us do this, Trinity is involved in various social ministry activities which seek to give us opportunities to put the faith we live into acts which help the needs of those around us.
Compassion Center
In a cooperative ministry with our sister congregation, Redeemer Lutheran in Hyattsville, and the Lutheran Mission Society (LMS), we opened the doors of the Hyattsville Compassion Center in 2013. This ministry on the campus of Redeemer hosts a Thrift Center open to the public, currently three days a week (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays). On Saturdays, the center holds its ministry day, where the physical needs of clients are met through clothing and food distribution, and spiritual needs are met through a chapel service held for clients and guests. Please visit the LMS website for more information.
Trinity’s Hunger Team was started to help in aiding the members of Trinity in finding ways to reach out into our community by helping those in need of being provided with sufficient food. The team leads us in working to collect food items for local food pantries, both through donations made by members at church and through occasional food drives which take us out into our church’s community.
We participate in the yearly CROP Walk for Hunger which raises money for local, national, and world-wide efforts to end hunger. Members of Trinity have participated in the local area CROP Walks both through walking and through generous donations.
Each May, Trinity members are a part of Bread for the World’s Offering of Letters in which we write letters to petition our Members of Congress to remember the needs of hungry people in our country and around the world as they go about their work of legislation.
Trinity members also help others in need through occasional offerings collected in times of emergency and disaster. These offerings are directed either to LCMS World Relief-Human Care, our denomination’s “compassion arm”, or to Lutheran World Relief, an inter-Lutheran human care agency, based in Baltimore. Trinity has raised money in the past to aid hurting people after natural disasters, and participated in the Lutheran Malaria Initiative.