Dear Trinity Family,
As we head into the “final approach” for the celebration of Christmas and the remembrance of our Savior’s birth at Bethlehem, we just wanted to share some news about how Trinity is keeping these days this year and a couple of announcements as well.
Worship at Trinity during the Christmas Season
As we do each year, Trinity has a full schedule of services as we celebrate together the arrival into the world of God’s greatest Gift, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “Come and worship Christ the newborn King!”

The Fourth Sunday in Advent:
Sunday, December 24, 2023
This year, the final Sunday in Advent falls on the morning of December 24th. We will keep our regular Sunday morning schedule on this day with Adult Bible Class at 8:30 AM, and close the Advent Season with our Sunday Morning Worship with Holy Communion at 9:30 AM.
Christmas Eve: Sunday, December 24, 2023 – 7:00 PM
Candlelight Worship Service with Holy Communion
You are welcome to be with us for our Christmas Eve service which will include congregational singing of hymns and carols, special music from the Trinity Singers and musicians, the candlelight reading of the Christmas Gospel, and the celebration of Holy Communion. Join us for this service either in person at Trinity, or by livestream through Facebook Live on our church Facebook page.
For those joining us online, please visit the church website for connection information and to find the evening’s order of service so you can share in the carols, prayers, and praise of this holy night. Also, for those worshiping from home: we invite you to have a candle (and something to light it with) so that you can join us in hearing the Christmas Gospel and the singing of “Silent Night” by candlelight when we come to that point in the service.
Christmas Day: Monday, December 25, 2023 – 9:30 AM
Festival Worship Service with Holy Communion
Trinity will have a Christmas Day Festival Eucharist on Monday morning at 9:30 AM. It is a different service from the one held the night before, and is especially for our members who would like to be at church for Christmas, but don’t come out at night. All are welcome to join us in person at Trinity, and the service will also be livestreamed as well.

The First Sunday after Christmas
The Eve of the Circumcision and Holy Name of Jesus
New Year’s Eve: Sunday, December 31, 2023 – 9:30 AM
Festival Worship Service with Holy Communion
Join us as we celebrate the seventh day of Christmas and the approaching of a New Year rejoicing in the Name that was given for our salvation. We hope you will be with us either at Trinity or through our livestream.
As has become our tradition on the Sunday after Christmas, the “sermon” will be in the form of a Congregational Christmas Carol Sing. We will try our best to “take requests” from our online congregation who are able to send us messages through Facebook.
NOTE: There will be no Adult Bible Class held today.
An Epiphany Celebration
The Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord (Observed)
The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord:
The First Sunday after the Epiphany
Sunday, January 7, 2024 – 9:30 AM
Festival Worship Service with Holy Communion
Join us as we bring the Christmas season to its close in the wonderful blaze of light that reveals Christ to the world in a special celebration recalling both the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child and our Lord’s Baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist. As always, you are welcome to be with us either in person at Trinity or through our livestream.
Church Office on Holiday Break
During the Christmas Holiday week, December 25-January 2, the church office will be closed to allow our staff to have time at home with their families. The staff will be checking the office answering machine daily for any messages. Should any pastoral emergencies arise during this time, you may also contact Pastor directly on his cell phone. The office will return to full staffing on Wednesday, January 3rd.
God’s richest blessings and peace be with you all as we go through this wonderful season of rejoicing in the coming of our Savior to be our Immanuel–God With Us!
In His Love,