News Update from Pastor – May 26, 2022

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Dear friends in Christ Jesus,

A blessed Ascension Day to you all!

Today is the fortieth day since our Lord Jesus’ resurrection, and recalling how St. Luke tells us that Jesus spent 40 days going in and out among His disciples before He was taken up from them into heaven, the Church continues to keep this day in celebration of our Lord’s return to “sit at the right hand of God” where He lives and reigns forever over the world and His people until the day of His promised return.  There are many places where this wonderful feast day is celebrated “on the day”, including in Amish communities where it is a holiday kept with community gatherings.  In other places, this feast is often transferred to the Sunday following (the 43rd Day of Easter), so that this important moment in the life of our Lord is not forgotten.

I hope that you will be able to join us this Sunday at Trinity where we will celebrate the Ascension of our Lord, celebrating our Blessed Lord who lives for us and reigns over us for all eternity.

This weekend is also Memorial Day weekend. May this time be filled with thanksgiving and remembrance for those who offered up “the last full measure of devotion” in service to our nation and world to protect and maintain the freedom and liberty we have.

Since it is also the “unofficial start of the Summer”, I also hope and pray that those traveling this weekend and throughout the vacation season remain safe and are able to “come home” to Trinity at their return.

With this weekend, we will conclude our “Regular Schedule” of the year to begin our “Summer Schedule”. This Sunday we will hold our final Adult Bible Study before we begin our Summer Recess. Beginning June 5th, we will only hold Divine Service at 9:30 AM each Sunday.  Lord willing, we will return to our Regular Schedule in the Fall, beginning on September 11th.

God be with you this weekend and through the Summer days, and we celebrate the life we live each day in the Son!  See you at church!

Peace and blessings,