Trinity Email Update from Pastor – June 12, 2020

Dear Trinity Family,

A blessed Friday to one and all!

Well, the day has finally and blessedly arrived!  Yesterday, County Executive Alsobrooks announced that Prince George’s County would be entering into its Phase Two of Reopening, and this would allow churches to open for indoor services at 25% capacity, beginning on Monday, June 15th. This permission allows us a high enough number to invite our regular attendees to return to Trinity for in person worship services again if they so desire. In consultation with the Ministry Planning Group (MPG), we have set Sunday, June 21st as “Return to Trinity” Sunday. Worship will begin that day at 9:30 AM.

As we move towards reopening, there is much to be informed about on how church and worship will “look like and feel like” when we return. There is a lot of information in this Sunday’s bulletin, available here, about these plans as we come back to our church home. Please read through them, and if you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor or one of our MPG members.

News then for this weekend…

Please look again for the email sent out yesterday, or in the Sunday Bulletin, for news about our resuming food distribution for clients of our Compassion Center. Note especially the needs that we need to keep the pantry stocked for the coming weeks.  There will be a time to drop off food donations at Redeemer on Sunday afternoon between Noon and 2 PM.

Since the County Executive’s new orders do not go into effect until Monday, this Sunday we will continue to offer worship online only. We thank all of you for staying connected together through these virtual means and we pray it has been a blessing to you. We will continue to livestream the services when we return for those who are still unable to be with us and as a way of continuing to reach out to those who have “found” us online during these past weeks.

I pray that all of us have a safe and enjoyable weekend, and I hope to join you all in worship this coming Lord’s Day.

And as always, “May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from another.”

Peace and blessings,