Trinity Email Update from Pastor – April 17, 2020

Dear Trinity Family,

God’s richest blessings be with you all! And prayers that everyone continues to be safe and well as we continue through these days.

On this Easter Friday, I just wanted to reach out with an email to say hello and to pass along a few announcements.

Online Worship and Study Opportunities:
Thank you to everyone who has been viewing our Sunday Worship and Midweek Bible Studies on Facebook Live. I’m glad for the positive comments that have come to me, and even more glad to know that these broadcasts are a blessing and spiritual encouragement for you all.  Most certainly, we’re all hoping to be back together for “in person” worship soon, but as we wait, this virtual means of spiritual provision allows us to still be the body of Christ united in the Word and in prayer together.  My continued thanks to Skip Hall for his musical accompaniment, and to Paul Ritter for his work “behind the camera”.  Thanks also to those who have been a part of our “live studio” congregation.  It’s nice to have a few faces in the pews, until I get to see everyone back in them again.

Virtual CROP Walk:
One of the things we are missing by not being together in person for worship during this season is Art Simon’s weekly reminders about the CROP Walk for hungry people. Because of the current conditions, the CROP Walk for this year has been cancelled. However, this does not mean that the opportunity to help hungry people has been cancelled.  The information on how you can participate in this virtual CROP Walk is available in this Sunday’s bulletin, posted on the church website.

ZOOM Fellowship:
It was nice to have an opportunity to “see” each other for a little bit on Easter Afternoon by video conference on ZOOM.  We invite you as you are able to join us again on Sunday, April 26th, when we will schedule another ZOOM fellowship.  Be on the lookout for an email with the contact information later next week.

I wish all of you a wonderful weekend, and look forward to “seeing” you in worship this Sunday.  As always, may we all stay safe, healthy, and trusting in the Lord whose “mercy endures forever”.  And, “may the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from another”!

Peace and blessings,