Trinity and the Coronavirus Update – March 27, 2020

Dear People of God,

I hope and pray that this message finds all of you safe and healthy in these days.

Was wanting to touch base with you all about a couple of things…

First, we will once again be holding our Sunday Worship online. So far, we have heard from some of you and we’ve received only words of thanks for getting the service out to you all this way. Thanks for your patience, and hopefully we’re all learning together about these new media means, even as we continue to worship and praise the Lord and hear His Word, even though we are separated from one another.

The service will be livestreamed through Facebook Live. You can access the video feed on our Facebook Page
The bulletin for the service can be found for you to print out beforehand or follow on your computer on the church website:

Hope to “see” you all at church!

Second, I’d like to recommend a couple of websites which may be of help to you as aids for devotion and to keep your spiritual lives going during this time.

Our church’s publisher, Concordia Publishing House ( has a special section of their homepage with various resources for worship, study, and devotion.  Of interest to some may be:
The free study guide, “A Longer Look at the Lessons”, which we use for our Sunday Morning Bible Class
The devotion from Portals of Prayer posted daily
You can even get this Sunday’s children’s bulletin to print off and color and do the activities.

Also, Lutheran Hour Ministries ( is another resource from our well known LCMS ministry with devotions, other resources, as well as the messages from the Lutheran Hour.

As the days go on, I’ll be trying my best to share more resources like these with you so we can continue to be built up in our faith together.

I pray that everyone has a blessed and safe weekend, and as always, “May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from another.”

Peace and blessings,