4000 30th Street
at the intersection of 30th Street and Bunker Hill Road
Mount Rainier, Maryland 20712
Church Office Phone: 301-864-4340
Church Office e-mail: trinity-elc-office@verizon.net
Welcome to Trinity Church’s home on the World Wide Web!
We are a family of faith that lives in and is built on God’s abiding love, who receives and rejoices in God’s gifts, and who seeks to share and proclaim God’s wonderful deeds in worship, witness, and in acts of love for each other and our neighbor.
We hope that your time on our page will give you the opportunity to learn a little more about us. And if you are ever in the area, please visit us and enjoy our Christian fellowship in person.
God’s peace be with you always!
Sunday Morning Schedule
9:30 AM Divine Service of Word and Sacrament
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday.
Sunday Worship is also livestreamed. Please look below on our home page for more information.
Further information about worship and Christian education opportunities can be found in our Ministry and Worship sections.
We will hold special services on Wednesday evenings through the Lenten Season as we meditate on the love of our Lord Jesus who is our Savior, Servant, and Friend. For more information on our schedule of services and sermon themes, please visit our Worship Schedule page.
Livestreamed Worship from Trinity on Facebook Live
Worship Livestreamed Weekly:
Sunday at 9:30 AM – Worship Service
Wednesday at 7:00 PM – Lenten Midweek Worship
Holy Week Services as announced
All Past Videoed Services, Devotions, and Bible Studies
are available to view on the video section
of the church Facebook Page.
We continue to use Facebook Live to stream our worship services, allowing us to gather together both in person and virtually as a church family. To help you worship from home, please use the following links:
Church Facebook Page
This link will allow you to connect to where you will find our live videos, as well as earlier recordings.
Worship Bulletin
This link will take you to our “Online Worship” Page where you will be able to find and open a PDF file of our worship bulletin for the current Sunday or occasion which will give you a printed order of service, and on Sundays our church family announcements for the week.
Pastor will continue to post his weekly message on his blog, “Feed My Sheep”. The sermon will be posted on Sunday following the worship service.
Trinity is once again this year supporting the efforts of the Hyattsville CROP Walk: an effort to eradicate hunger both locally and globally! If you would like to become a walker or donate to another walker, you can do so online here at this link to our Trinity Team Page.
You can find latest information and news about life at Trinity by visiting our Current Events and News page here