About Holy Communion

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHoly Communion is celebrated at Trinity in the joyful confidence that, in His Holy Supper, Jesus Christ Himself comes to us and is present among us in, with, and under the elements of bread and wine to give us His Body and Blood through which we receive the gifts of the forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and everlasting salvation.  This Meal is given to Christians for the strengthening of their faith that they may be empowered to live their lives fully for the One who freed them from their sins through the active living out of their faith in the world through words and deeds which show to all Christ living in them.

Following the practice of the Lutheran Church as stated in its confessions, Trinity offers Holy Communion “every Lord’s Day and on other festivals” (Apology of the Augsburg Confession, XXIV).  We do so, not only because our confessions commend this practice, but also because every Christian needs and should have frequent opportunity to receive this Sacrament for the good of their faith.  And we gather together around the Table of the Lord as God’s people to share in “one bread” and “one cup” to show our unity with one another as “one body in Christ” and “proclaiming His death until He comes” (see 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 11:23-26).

We welcome to the Lord’s Supper all who have been baptized in the Christian Faith; who have received instruction concerning the Sacrament and have been admitted to the Lord’s Table; who repent of their sins; and who seek the forgiveness and strength to live the new life which the Lord’s Supper gives.  Members of Lutheran congregations in fellowship with us are welcome to share together with us in the blessings of the Sacrament of the Altar.  Others who wish to receive Holy Communion, or have questions about our Lutheran understanding of this Sacrament, are invited to have conversation with Pastor before receiving the Lord’s Supper.  Also, anyone, child or adult, who wishes may come forward at the time of the distribution to receive a blessing.