Our Pastor

PAS CC 2012The Reverend Peter A. Schiebel has served as the Seventh Pastor of Trinity Church since 1997.

Pastor was born and raised in Washington, DC, the second of three children in his family.  He attended the District of Columbia Public Schools, graduating from Woodrow Wilson Senior High School, and spent one year of study at the University of the District of Columbia.  Pastor prepared to enter the Holy Ministry through his studies at Concordia College in Bronxville, NY, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies (Judeo-Christian Heritage) in 1993.  He then went on to Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN.  After two years of study, he served a year (1995-1996) as a Vicar (Student Intern) at Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Greenwich (Byram), Connecticut.  After his vicarage, he returned to the seminary and completed the requirements for the Master of Divinity degree and received his Theological Diploma which certified him for service as a Pastor in the Lutheran Church.  Pastor received his first Divine Call into the Ministry from Trinity congregation, being placed into this position by the Council of Presidents of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) on April 22, 1997.

Pastor Schiebel was ordained into the Holy Ministry on June 22, 1997 at his home congregation, Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Washington, DC.  He was then installed as Trinity’s Pastor on July 20, 1997.  Pastor enjoys his ministry among the saints at Trinity, and counts the people he serves among his greatest joys in life.  Pastor has also served the wider church as chaplain to the Lutheran Lay Fellowship of Metropolitan Washington, and as Circuit Visitor (formerly Circuit Counselor) for the Washington East Circuit of the Southeastern District, LCMS.

In his personal life, Pastor has been married to his wife, Kim, who is a Lutheran School teacher, since 2001.  He enjoys time spent at home with Kim, as well as traveling together with her.  Among Pastor’s other interests are listening to music, singing, and reading mysteries, histories, and the occasional novel.

Pastor also keeps a blog, “Feed My Sheep”, where you can find his sermons and some occasional posts.